Sunday, February 20, 2011

2/20/2011, 8:01 PM
Thought: Retirement is like a dog's life.  One can eat, sleep, and lay around all day.  But when the Mistress of the house says, "Mush", one must mush.

January and February have been busy months.

I made two trips to the Brazilian Consulate General in Houston for a new visa.  My old one expired last October.   The new one is valid for ten years.

As I was driving to Houston on the second trip, I realized that when one is traveling on U.S. 59 between Laredo and Houston one could sleep between Edna and Louise if one decided to spend a night in Ganado.

The remainder of the time, I spent cutting and hauling grass, trimming and cutting down trees, mending fences, doing carpentry repair work and painting on the day care building, and spreading about six cubic yards of dirt on the back of our lot in Alamo.

Friday I came down a proverbial 72-hour cold and am just now beginning to recover from the misery.

Tomorrow and Tuesday we will be taking care of the final details in preparation of our trip to Brazil.  We will be leaving from San Antonio Thursday morning.

Then on Friday afternoon we will be in the tropic bliss of northeast Brazil, the land of beautiful beaches, good food, friendly people, and inexpensive living.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Now I know why my Grandfather Rankin would go outside when all us grandkids were visiting.  He wanted to get away from all the noise we made playing in the house.

My grandkids are doing the same with the computer that is in our bedroom.