Sunday, February 19, 2017

Today was to be a day of rest after several days of cleaning out and moving stuff from the garage and my workshop/storage at our house in San Juan.  Adinete had rented the house starting the 15th of this month.

However, as is common, things do not always work out as one plans.

As I was reading my morning email,  Adinete came to my office and told me that the renter had just called and told her that the water heater in the garage had started to leak last night.

Knowing that my day was beginning to be "one of those days", I begrudgingly went to check out the problem.  I went in our little Ford Fusion because my pickup was still loaded with the things I moved yesterday afternoon.

After inspecting the water heater I determined that it needed to be replaced.  This meant that I had to return home and unload the pickup before I went to Home Depot to get a new water heater to install.

I was in a thoughtful mood as I was driving home,  

Just a few weeks ago I had installed a new water heater in another house we own.  Now another one and on Sunday!  What if I had not learned how to do all the trade things I have learned since I was about 14 years and had not worked part-time for five years to get a college degree. 

The next thought, as I drove down the street and saw a group "elderly" couples, probably "Winter Texans", entering a local cafe for lunch, was that after a career of thirty some odd years in public service and retirement with a government pension and Social Security, I should be doing what that group was doing rather than being concerned about replacing a water heater for someone else.   

After I got home and unloaded the pickup, I told Adinete what I had been thinking.  I want everyone to know what a wonderful wife I have!  

She reminded me of all good things and family for which we have to be grateful and she is absolutely right.