Friday, December 31, 2010

The last day of 2010.

As I comptemplate the universe today, I wonder if my production of methane gas rivals the volume of that produced by the bovine population.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Chistmas everyone as we celebrate the birth of Jesus!
We wish for everyone a joyful and peaceful day.
The fictional character, Santa Claus, brought a cold front to the Valley last night.  Yesterday the temperature was in the mid and upper 80's.  Right now it is 56 degrees Farenhiet.

The grandkids, our daughter's three, woke us up early to open gifts and now the house is quiet again.
The sun is shinings and God has given us another beautiful day to enjoy life and to give Him thanks.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

My question of the day:  Why do we make fun of being old?

Is it because we are afraid of nearing the end of life and it's impending conclusion?

Saturday, December 18, 2010

This is not the philosophical post I mentioned last week.  Maybe I will do it later if the spirit moves me.  

My message at the moment is the one that follows:

After much reflection and soul searching, I have decided that, for my inter tranquility and peace of mind, as of today, I am withdrawing into my own little shell of a world and only be concerned with day-to-day activities that directly affect the wellbeing and happiness of my immediate family and myself.
By doing this, I will not longer be a member of Facebook, Twitter,  or of any internet group or newsfeeds.

Friday, December 10, 2010

12/10/2010, 6:14 PM

Catch up time. 

Needless to say, I did not finish laying the tile by December 1st.

Adinete rented the house on the first and the new tenants had to move in right away because the owner of the house they had been renting lost the house to foreclosure.  They had to vacate by December 4th.

But, as always every cloud has a silver lining.  The husband is a professional tile layer.  He and I worked together finish the living room, the main bedroom, and the bathroom last Friday and the family moved in Friday night.

On Monday, he agreed to finish the remaining bedroom and the trim work in the rest of the house.  We will give him a discount on the January rent.

So this week I have been working at home: mowing the grass, trimming trees, and building a dog house for Toby.

By the way, Adinete has been busy also.  She rescued two abandoned male puppies last week.  They were about four weeks old.

One was sick and, in spite of her care and efforts, it died day before yesterday. 

The other, which she named "Choo Choo" is lively, full of pep, and smart.  He is already house broken and likes to play with Toby, who ignores him.

Well that's it for now, folks. 

My next post will be a philosophic one.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Today I am tired and sore, and I have not finished the tile job yet.  However, the new tenant has laid tile professionally and helped me yesterday.

Setting here in my easy chair this morning, I was ruminating about being on the threshold of my "twilight" years and realized that I am losing interest in public affairs such as politics.  It seems that so many problems exist and so much is wrong in the world and especially in the U.S. I just do not have the energy to try to do anything about it.  It seems that so many people are unaware, or do not care, about what is happening.

Maybe tomorrow I will be more optimistic, my usual state of mind.