Monday, October 16, 2017

An interesting observation by my cousin, Jack

Jack Bains
A recent post I saw that I liked, but couldn't share. Cut and pasted here.
Don't you love how the Liberal's insist on proving President Trump accurate most all the time. Heck, DJT speaks of an observation that many women will easily lift their skirts for a man with wealth & power. Many of the women pictured here knitted up pink pussy hats and screamed what a pig Donald is. While they suffered actual sexual abuse and kept quiet allowing hundreds of women to suffer the same fate??? Boy this is over the top horrible. Sadly, even Hollywood can't live up to their own narrative. What a bunch of phonies. What is it called when your silence about real abuse is rewarded with a role on TV or the movies?....... are you a whore.... or just acting like one?
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Edward W. It wasn't just social commentary on the part of Trump. He admitted to enjoying the behaviour himself. You seem to have left that out as to why women were outraged at him.

Jack Bains The women that showed so much outrage weren't going to vote for him no matter what he did or said. If he had been a liberal democrat they would have cut him all the slack he needed just like they did Bill Clinton, Ted Kennedy, and all the rest of the liberal politicians. 
It's true Trumps blusterous crude New York ways make him an easy target, but it wouldn't matter. 
He is an outsider attempting to tear up the political elite's playhouse and they (dems and repubs) are fighting him at every turn. 
Go back and look at news and interviews and photos of Trump BEFORE he declared himself a conservative. Hollywood, the media, the left all seemed quite fond of "The Donald" as they called him.

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Jack Bains Interesting interview of Trump years ago.

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